Hello everyone! It's been too long. I haven't even gotten the chance to wish you all a Happy New Year yet...so Happy Belated New Year! With the New Year came some big news stories for me (I'm a reporter for those of you who don't know), therefore not a lot of time for blogging. But no worries I'm back with a project I've had done for a while but have been meaning to show you.

They are the perfect classy accessory for a scarf, sweater, jacket, or just about anything.

I cut out some petals and made them kind of like the felt flower here, also using hot glue. I just cut the petal how I want, add some glue to the end, and pinch. Glue them all to a piece of coordinating felt and top with a spiral of suede.
P.S. I'm working on a good sewing project that I hope to wear for Valentine's Day so get excited, because I am :)
I got the idea after I bought some suede remnant packs for the soles of the baby shoes I made here (you can find the packs at Michaels).
